How Long Do Mattresses Last?

How Long Do Mattresses Last?

Unlike mattresses of the past, today’s mattress sets are built with planned obsolescence in mind. It is safe to assume that your mattress set cost correlates with the life expectancy you can expect out of your brand-new set. Today manufacturers build mattresses that can last between 10 to 20 years, or construction can be honed down by removing quality mattresses components that lower cost and overall durability.

Some of the cheapest promotional mattress sets built are not intended for use, instead are designed for extra bedroom usage that will never get used by an actual sleeper. This group of buyers chooses a mattress for aesthetic purposes and to fill the space at the lowest cost possible.

The average comfort life expectancy for today’s premium brand-name mattresses usually does not exceed 7-8 years. While these same beds include a 10-year warranty, it has little to nothing to do with life expectancy or comfort. They merely cover workmanship and material defects. So get yourself familiar with the workings of a mattress warranty.

Learn about the most durable mattresses on the market

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